Saturday, December 29, 2007

Making a Blanket

This is my friend (the one who made the nightshirt) and her husband making a fleece blanket for his grandpa for Christmas. The two of them made a TON of these blankets for family members (we can all relate to how ONE little craft project turns into a TON of projects, can't we?!) Since the grandpa is in his ninety's, they wanted to do something extra special so they made this video and gave him a dvd of it for Christmas. Along with the blanket, of course.

Be sure to watch the video all the way to the end for a surprise visitor.


  1. Love the video. Looks like the blanket is at least dog approved. ;)

  2. Adding the wonderful video is so clever! Dogs are wonderful. How funny that Parker tested out the blanket!

  3. Happy New Year! Have a great 2008.

  4. What a cute video and so sweet to add to the gift! I'm sure Grandpa was thrilled.


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