Thursday, January 15, 2009

I AM the Psycho Internet Friend

MWAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!! For the meaning of this title, go read Allison's post. Interestingly enough, two years ago, I was dubbed "Mom's Myspace Date" by the son of another blogger friend I was lucky enough to meet. What's the matter with these kids? Why do they think it's so weird to meet friends over the internet. Oh yeah..... the whole don't-talk-to-strangers on the internet speech they've been hearing since they were first allowed to go online might have something to do with it.

Anyhoo, one of the reasons Allison and I hit it off is that we are both a little, ummmmm, let's call it Type A personalities and oh perhaps a bit competitive. So I can't very well let her show off her scarf when mine was just hinted at!!! I have knit about 45" so far. I seem to remember reading somewhere that a scarf should be knit to about the height of the person who will be wearing it, which means I have another 18" to go. The scarf I wore to work today (which coincidentally was knit by Allison and sent to me a couple years ago) is the perfect length for me and I measure it to be right around 64". I may embellish with a knit flower like this one.

Like Allison said, the photo doesn't do this yarn justice. The color looks washed out but it is a lovely, vibrant shade of turquoise. In fact, yesterday a woman on my airplane tapped me on the arm to tell me what a beautiful color the yarn is. I encouraged her to feel it and got the expected, "oooh, that's so soft" response. LOL.



  1. WHAT??? I'm type A competitive? I resemble that comment! I just measured and I'm only to 29 inches. I better stay home from work today so I can catch up . . . .

  2. I'm just glad I'm really short - makes scarf knitting easier!

  3. Anonymous10:20 PM

    My best friend and I met on the innernets. And she really is the best friend ever. I think we bonded so well because we share so many of the same interests. And a sick sense of humour!


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