Thursday, December 04, 2008

Painting the Town Red

Wow, you gals like red. And yes, Summerset, after I posted the last entry, I realized I should have said that YOU do not get a vote. LOL! Thanks to everyone for the comments. Lindsay and Leesa, the black shoes do look cute, too, but I wasn't sure how to accessorize.

So I made a quick trip to an fun little accessory story and picked up the purse, necklace and earrings. A little red and a little bling. Merry Christmas to me! (Picked up two gifts for the girls, too. Woo hoo!)


  1. Anonymous6:30 PM

    That's going to look so nice. Love the little red purse too. Hope you have a lovely time at your Christmas party!

  2. LOL. You should have known!

    The little purse is absolutely adorable! A red vintage purse similar to that one is on my "to find and purchase" list.

    Looks like you are going to be fabulous at the party - have a great time.

  3. I was too slow for the vote post...I would have gone for black with lots of silver accessories (or another metal if you prefer). But having said that, the red is perfect for Christmas! Have fun :))

  4. Great accessories. I was behind on reading my blogs and missed out voting. Probably I good thing because I liked both looks!

  5. Anonymous12:32 AM

    What Great accessories! I live in Cincy too and would love to know where that shop is!

  6. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Love that little red bag!

    Hope your holidays and going just as you want. g

  7. Pretty. Excellent choice.


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