Monday, December 22, 2008

Brrrr.... And some progress!

Is anyone out there warm?? I am surely not. The weather across the country has been crazy over the past week. It was 7 degrees when I drove in this morning. Way colder than usual for December in Cincinnati. Thank goodness we missed that terrible ice storm in the northeast.

Over the weekend, I made good progress on the "homemade" Christmas gifts. Pictured here is a robe for my mom. Last weekend, my mom asked if I would make her a lightweight robe after the holidays to send to her in Florida. She picked out some flannel and a pattern and I told her I would add it to my project list. Of course, I had to make it for her for Christmas! I cut it out Friday night and finished it up around 2 pm on Saturday, in time to hit the post office with my last package.

The robe is Simplicity 3573. Just a simple button down robe with yoke. She wanted buttons all the way down so I adapted the facing on the bottom part of the robe to accommodate additional buttons.

So why the crazy masked ninja model?

Me: Son, I need you to model this bathrobe so I can take a picture.
Son: No Way. You're going to put the picture on your blog.
Me: Yes I am, but nobody you know reads the blog so who cares.
Son: Can I wear my ski mask and goggles?
Me: I'll get the camera.

In other homemade activities, my kids and I made cookies and candies yesterday - peanut butter blossoms, lemon bars, iced sugar cookies, Bailey's Irish Cream Truffles, peanut butter/chocolate swirl fudge, peppermint bark, fruit/nut bark, chocolate covered pretzels. I was so sick of looking at sweet stuff by this morning that of course, I took no pictures. I also have a couple other crafty things in the works but updates on those will have to wait until after the holidays.


  1. Hah! Kudos to DS for ninja modeling.

  2. LOL. It's ok to be photographed wearing your grandmother's robe, a ski mask and goggles in goofy poses. Right. I get it.

  3. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Too funny!
    I just finished making some peanut butter blossoms too. Bailey's Irish Cream Truffles and peppermint bark, sound delicious. Any chance for a recipe?

  4. that photograph is HILLARIOUS

  5. That picture is so darn funny. My girls and I have made 14 different types of cookies/candies for the holiday. I am hoping oldest dd makes fudge tomorrow, I really need some fudge!

  6. too funny! What a good son. Love the robe. It's sure to be a hit.

  7. HA!

    Awesome ninja model.

    Nice robe, too!


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