Monday, October 06, 2008

Homecoming, Autumn cooking, etc.

Just a proud mama photo. My son is a freshman and went to his first homecoming dance on Saturday. He didn't take a date; just he and a bunch of buddies went. (Not uncommon for freshmen, so I hear.) Doesn't he look adorable?

My daughter, the senior, also went to homecoming. She actually went with a date but he's just a good friend of hers. I must say she also looks adorable. Don't you agree??? LOL. I don't know if you can see her shoes but they are zebra striped and she also had a zebra clutch purse. The ensemble looked.... well.... ADORABLE! LOL.

(I didn't dress up just for pictures. I was going out, too. But not to homecoming. LOL. Note to self: Next time move planter containing weeds out of picture.)

I did some sewing over the weekend but didn't finish anything. I'm in town all week so I hope to get a few hours in during the week. I'm working on a wrap dress and a jacket.

Autumn means cooking season to me so I spent several hours in the kitchen yesterday. I made two batches of soup - one was a sausage corn chowder and the other a potato soup. I also finally got around to trying a pasta dish that Giada De Laurentis made last week. To be honest, I think it sounds rather boring when you read the recipe but it was outstanding! I also added mushrooms. And finally tonight, I made a great chicken dish that I found at (Jen, check your email) and some cheesy au gratin potatoes. I'll post the recipes for the soups and the potatoes on my recipe blog sometime this week, if anyone is interested. OH! I also made a pumpkin crunch cake (also called pumpkin dump cake) to take to work today. This is a super easy recipe that everyone seems to love. Do give it a try!

Oh and Allison.... are you sitting down? I did some knitting tonight!!!!


  1. You are right - adorable! I love that she went with the zebra accessories. I can't see my crew being willing to be caught alive together at the same dance!

  2. What a nice looking group.

  3. Knitting - YEAH!! Going out even better! On a date???

  4. You ALL look adorable!

  5. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Yes, your kids DO look adorable! Since the girls go in groups, I guess the boys do also - can't remember if ds ever did that. Did you make your dd's dress? My dd (who's also a senior) doesn't WANT me to make her dress . . . sob
    And how do you stay so slim with all that yummy cooking/baking you do?

  6. Beautiful family photo. As a read about your Autumn cooking the descriptions made my mouth water. Hmmm..., I must be hungry. It all sounds delicious. lol


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