Friday, September 19, 2008


Just a random post for a Friday.

Crazy week here in Cincinnati. We were hit with a windstorm last Sunday (remnants of Ike). It last three hours and was just wind. No rain. Gusts up to 75mph. So it was like a mini-hurricane without the rain or a really long tornado. LOL! Needless to say, many sustained damage. My house wasn't damaged, just some downed trees and large branches. I was without power for a day and a half, which was bad enough for me but there are still approx. 150,000 people in the city without power.

Thanks to all of you who commented on my last post! My patootey feels sufficiently kicked and I have made some progress this week. had a nice sale on knits so I bought quite a few different pieces. Hopefully, the order will arrive tomorrow. I picked up three patterns at JoAnns last night (Butterick sale). And then started another promotion with 15% off (WINNER908 is the coupon code) so I ordered three Jalie top patterns from them. I also started cutting out four different projects last night and should hit the sewing machine tonight. Woo hoo!

Have a fantastic weekend!


  1. Glad to hear you are okay! My parents lost power Sunday afternoon and by Monday evening, were still without it. I think it came back in the afternoon on Tuesday. They are in Milford.

    Linda in VA

  2. That windstorm came through here on it's way to you! It was eerie to have all that wind on a bright, sunny day. We had one tree go down and limbs everywhere. The power was only out for a few hours at our house, but some of my coworkers still don't have power!

    Way to go on the sewing!Looking forward to seeing what you churn out next!

  3. Bonnie - I've only just discovered your blog and I wanted to let you know it's brilliant. I found it as a link from another site and thought it would be all about sewing. I love all the different quirky parts you put in though. Thanks for sharing.
    Sydney, Australia


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