Thursday, June 05, 2008

To you smart bloggers

As evident to anyone who has stopped by my blog once or twice, I am a novice blogger. I don't have any interest in learning html or designing my own blog. I love that Blogger exists for a lazy blogger-wannabe like me. But I have a question, why is my blog so skinny? Is that just the format Blogger allows? Or did I somehow make it that skinny? And can I change it without doing anything drastic? (in other words, taking no more than 30 seconds to make the change.)


  1. Unless you fixed it, it doesn't look skinny to me on my work computer. I'll look again on my laptop when I get home.

  2. I have the same format as you. You can change the widths and add a third column, but it's a big friggin' deal. You need to do things like set up a test blog so you can play with that instead of messing up your real blog. Go to PR's message board on web sites and see the "Zen and the Art of Blog Maintenance" topic. I think there may be some info there, or you could ask for help. Good luck; I want to do the same with my blog but feel like I don't have the time to mess with it.

  3. Since this has to do with my major I can answer it for you on a generic base, I don't use blogger so am not sure about their exact settings. It appears skinny to you due to the width the main column(s) are set to. For some it may not appear skinny, it is all based on the width of the computer screen you are viewing it from. Some web or blog designs a set format based on the old 800x600 screen size, but people are now using more of the larger screens. When the original format is fixed for the 800x600 screen width it will appear skinny on larger monitors / screens. When doing designs I use either a percentage width (based on the screen size viewing it) or a newer measurement then pixels called 'em'. Might be more info then you needed :lol:

  4. Anonymous10:33 PM

    I don't know anything like Lauram, but I can concur with her comments that the computer screen sizes. We have 4 comps here and my blog looks different on everyone. You can play with different backgrounds though and that might make a difference. Me- I just like to blog and don't care too horribly much what my layout is like. If I want major changes I call on my daughter and we troubleshoot together

  5. Hi, I don't know if you are still interested. Anyway - I wrote a small note to myself for letting your blog gain:

    It's easy and I hope it works for you in case that.



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