Saturday, June 14, 2008

Cincinnati Cicadas... Revisited

Like a bad horror movie, back in 2004 in Cincinnati, all we heard about from January to the beginning of May was the I N V A S I O N O F T H E C I C A D A S!!!!! (If I could play ominous music in this post, I would.) From the Cincinnati Enquirer: In 2004, 5 to 7 billion members of Brood X swarmed mostly to the west of Interstate 71.

In spite of months and months of warning; disclaimers of liability on potentially cancelled outdoor weddings, graduation parties, etc. due to cicada invasions; landscapers making a mint off of wrapping trees, shrubs, etc. to protect them; warnings from vets about household pets; when the cicadas finally emerged right around May 5th, it was like 'what-eva'. Very anti-climactic, in my never-so-humble-opinion. Except for my friend's "Cicada de Mayo" party (hilarious and very fun!), the cicadas were a non-event.

Fast forward to mid-May 2008... I overhear someone in Kroger talking about cicadas. Next day, I overhear someone at my son's school talking about cicadas. I decide to Google it and finally read that Brood XIV (only 2-3 billion in this brood) is fixing to invade our lovely city again! Talk about caught by surprise! Me, the chick who is online most waking hours in addition to reading the newspaper everyday. How did this slip by me??

Anyhoo... in my part of town this cicada emergence is HUGE!!! The sound is literally deafening in mid-late afternoon. A radio station played the "song of the cicadas" over the radio and it was LOUD. For people spooked by bugs, it is a scary time to live in the northeast section of the city, but for me, I kinda like them. I love that sound. Surreal, almost. My dogs have definitely been eating them but so far, no ummm, regurgitation. Just some minor coughing. The biggest downside is sweeping them off your sidewalk / patio / driveway. You DON'T want to see that!


  1. And I believe when they make that noise they are mating!!! Mmmmm....

    But nothing sounds like summer as much as cicadas do.

  2. A couple years ago during or cicada invasion, one flew through the window of my car and hit me on the side of the face. I almost crashed. Not, a fan.

  3. But it is kinda cool looking. From someone who finds bugs interesting. I know, I'm weird.
    But I would love to see one.

  4. Anonymous11:01 AM

    This emergence too most people by surprise. That and I think the media was tired of reporting it after 2004's brood X cicadas, which mostly impacted the western side of Cincinnati.

  5. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Ick. Fascinating, but seriously ick. I don't think I'm a bug person. Now an invasion of kittens I'd be more particular to!

  6. Weirdly enough, I've always wanted to see this cicada invasion. Don't they also leave their shells all over the place too? Sounds like a very interesting sight to me.

  7. Yuck! I have had enough of the cicadas! Just like in your neighborhood, they are everywhere in mine.

  8. The 17 year cicadas - which I think these are for you all - FREAK ME OUT!! They were here about 5 or so years ago - when my parents were here for a visit. We were going into D.C. (about 25 miles from me) for the WWII thingy - so that meant I had to go outside - arck!! They were not as bad in my neighborhood as in other area around us, but they were bad enough. I one day stood in the garage and asked a little boy walking by to bring me my mail - LOL! I have a ways to go before they come out here again. There are always cicadas of various sorts in summertime, but these huge honkers only come out once every 17 years - and that is way too often - ha! I've had a couple land on me before and almost passed out. And one time, there was one on my foot - in the car - while I was driving! I almost went totally mindless trying to stop and get it out of the car!!! (not a fan at all)

    Linda in VA (formerly from Ohio)

  9. Ack! One of these things is bad enough, let alone a gazillion of them! blech...full body shivers have taken over...blech


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