Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Surprise Goodies!

I trudged out in the sleet to get my mail and much to my surprise, there was a package in there with Allison's return address on it. Hmmm..... I wasn't expecting anything from her. Well, it was a "brighten your day" kind of package! And lookie what was inside!!!!!

Two sets of pillowcases for me to sew together in my absolute favorite colors. And look at the one.... it has little spools of thread on it! How cute is that? There is also an apron panel in a very cute Debbie Mumm pattern. I will try to make that up this weekend so I can wear it for the holidays.

Allison, you are the best. Your sweet note and thoughtfulness truly did brighten my day.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, such pretty things. She is so thoughtful.


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