Sunday, December 09, 2007

Have I become Ralphie's Aunt Clara?

One of my favorite Christmas movies is A Christmas Story. I believe that you either find this movie hilarious (like me) or incredibly stupid (like my mom - (I don't get it, Bon. Why is that funny?") Remember the Bunnie Jammies? Well, I hope my niece and nephew who will be receiving the following pajamas and blankets from me for Christmas don't think I'm an "Aunt Clara."

I'm happy with the progress I made today. I had all three machines in action:

Now I'm pooped and I'm headed up to bed to read or maybe do a little knitting. In all likelihood, I'll probably fall asleep within minutes. I'm too old to be staying out until 2 a.m.!

"You'll Shoot Your Eye Out."

Hilarious, I say.


  1. Red Ryder BB gun. Oh yeah that is the best movie ever. My Mom doesn't get it either. I even have the DVD. LOL

    The jammies and blanket are adorable. If they always have them on when you visit be suspicious. LOL

  2. Anonymous2:01 AM

    Are those pillow cases that match the jammies? The PJs look super cute - I hope your'e not an Aunt Clara. g

  3. Cute blankets and jammies.

  4. You're not Aunt Clara! Cute PJ's. Better mark them "fra-gi-le" (it must be Italian!). My family does the 24hours of Christmas Story on TBS every year :)

  5. LB, I forgot about that!



    (I don't have your email address)

  6. Great jammies.
    We're all big fans of that movie --

    BUT I can't believe you. Just when I think I'm getting a lot done I do a little blog reading and YOU, let's see - made an apron, made a WHOLE party dress, HOSTED a party for FIFTY, cleaned, cooked, catered, celebrated (till 2:00 I might add) and cleaned some more and then you make Christmas presents . . . You are my role model!


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